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DIY: Ring Holder Box

By 17:01 , , ,

Ever since I was young, I always wanted a jewellery box especially a ring holder box. But whenever I go out to the stores, the box is either too expensive or too small. So in the end I decided to figure out a way to DIY my own ring holder box and it doesn't cost me much AND i am able to store lots of rings in it.

Well enough of my blabbering, let's get started!

What you'll need,
  • You can use any type of box of your choice, as for mine, I decided to use a box from the present I received from my friend on my Birthday.
  • Any thick fabric would do, it doesn't need to be pretty because it will not be seen from the outside. For this DIY, i decided to use some left over fabrics from my previous projects, denim fabric.
  • For the top coverage, you can use any type of fabric of your choice except thin fabrics such as, chiffon, organza (you get the picture) because fabric like those would not be able to stay put furthermore I do not want to be able to see the base of my structure. So for this DIY i decided to use cotton.
  • Lastly, a pair of scissors, I'm using my trusty fabric scissors, but normal scissors would do as long as it's sharp enough to cut you fabrics!

Firstly, measure the measurement of your box, and then cut your thick fabric according to the measurement of your box (width). As you can see from the diagram below, the width of my box is 13cm, so the width of my fabric should be 13cm as well so that you'll be able to place the fabric into the box later. As for the length of the fabric, I decided to cut it in 15cm. Depending on your fabric choice and the thickest you want for your ring holder the length might vary. 

The next step is folding your fabric, depending on the height of your box and the height you want your ring holder to be the measurement might differ. But for my box, since the height of my box is 5.5cm so i decided to have a folding line of 3cm. If your box is 4cm high, a 2cm folding line should be sufficient.

I made a total of 16 of them. You can make more of them or less as long as you're happy with the amount. (Depending on the amount of line you would like and the length of your box)

The next thing you need to do is to cut the top fabric. (I call it the top fabric because you'll be using it to cover the thick fabric) Same as the above, you would need to cut the width according to the width of your box. As for the length, I have cut a total of 100cm.

Next, start inserting the thick fabrics into the box

Using you top layer fabric, start by pressing the edges down at the corner and just as the picture below, press your top layer fabric into the 2nd of the thick fabric. Repeat the steps.

When you're at the last layer and you have some excess fabric, you can either cut the fabric but bear in mind that you'll have to leave some room so that you'll be able to press the last layer into the corner to prevent raw edges. If you don't feel like cutting, you can tuck the excess fabric underneath the thick fabrics.

What if you have insufficient fabric?

No worries! You don't have to redo everything over  again. What you can do it cut another layer of fabric and press the fabric into the place where you left off. Make sure to sandwich the raw edges in between the thick fabrics!

Once you're done then you're ready to insert your ring and then Voila! Your very own ring holder!

This is my first ever DIY tutorial, if you have any comments please let me know by commenting in the comment box below or if you would like to share you're recreation with me you can tag me on Instagram! @cycrystalyeoh

I hope you guys enjoy my tutorial till next time! xx

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