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How to Deal with Depression

By 16:34 , , ,

(Picture Source: theopenmind,com)

Is a feeling of severe despondency and dejection.

As humans, life is a roller coaster, we have our ups and downs. Sometimes, we might hear people say "I'm depressed". But most of the time it is due to certain situation that they are facing, such as, their work, their spouse, their studies etc. Most of the time, the word "I'm depressed" means "I'm fed up and tired!". 

Depression is a very common psychological issue that can happen to anyone. But for some people, depression is a battle, a war that never seems to end. Depression is not something to be taken lightly, it is a real illness that is able to effect a person's well being. Depression is also not an issue that "it's all in the mind" or "all in your head". Furthermore, it is also not something that people can just snapped out it.

Saying to someone who has depression "What have you got to be depressed about? You have a great life!" , is the same as saying to an asthmatic " What do you mean you can't breathe? There's lots of air in here!"

At the age of 14, my family and I had encounter an unfortunate and terrifying nightmare. Myself , along side with my mother and sister were carjacked in front of my own home just 2 days before my finals. Within 3 minutes, the gang of hijackers managed to hurl us out of the car and hijack my mother's car. We were all in shocked as we slowly came back to our senses and digest what was actually happening. Little did I know that that awful experience was the starting point of my battle with depression..

Most of the time, depression happens without you even realising it. There are normally factors or situation that contributed to depression such as stress, grief, certain medical illness, substance abuse, or a traumatic incident.

Symptoms of Depression:
  • Feeling of helplessness/hopelessness/worthlessness
  • Feeling depress (mood) during most of the day especially during the morning
  • Indecisiveness or Impaired concentration
  • Fatigue, decrease in energy
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Easily irritated
  • Feeling restless/agitated
  • Diminished in interest in most activities
  • Persistent sad, anxious or empty (feeling)
  • Thoughts of suicide/attempts
  • Change in appetite/weight
After the incident, I became really moody, depress and was always fearful. I just couldn't control my emotions any longer. Even though I wanted to be happy but my mind and my heart just wasn't in sync. Soon depression started leading me into a darker path which was anxiety disorder. I became very anxious of my surroundings and my heart was always full of anxiety. While walking along the street, I sometimes hallucinate that someone was going to rob me, was holding a knife, or even kill me. I became so subconscious that I couldn't think properly. My anxiety grew and grew each day and slowly I started to develop the beginning stages of OCD, Obsessive-compulsive disorder. I remember needing to on and off my light switch a couple of times before heading out; reaching back into my bag or pocket to check my purse back and forth even though I know that my purse is in my bag; so on and so forth. In my mind, if I do not redo these steps my heart will not be at ease and I will began to feel anxious as if something will go wrong. 

How I got through depression

Having realise that I couldn't let depression take over my life, I have decided to fight this battle. Even though battling depression is a challenge, but i decided to take a shot in the dark. I thank God that I did not have to seek any medications or converse with a physiologist. I hope these methods will be able to help you in this battle just as how it helped me got through my battle with depression.

1. Acknowledging that you have depression
(Picture Source: Flickr, Josh's)
Back then when I was suffering from depression, I was living a life of denial. I refuse to admit that I have depression even though it was being thrown at my face. Without acknowledging that you have depression you would not be able to receive help.

2. Talk to someone who is patient and would listen to what you are about to say
(Picture Source: youne.com)
When I was fighting depression, I was really blessed to have an amazing family, youth leader and my best friend along side me. I sometimes gets very moody or even angry at them out of no reason, but they did not choose to neglect me or walk away but instead, they were there supporting me every step of the way. When you have someone to talk to, somehow you will feel as if a heavy load was being lifted up of your shoulder and you will feel more satisfied even if it's just for a little while.

3. Discover the Root of your problem
(Picture Source: arborwood.ca)
This might not happen to everyone, but it's worth a shot. Sometimes by  discovering the root of your depression, you will start to feel that there is closure to your problems. For me, I only manage to discover my root after years of battling with depression. Finding the root is not always easy, just like I said before, because sometimes in life you might be suffering from depression without even realising it! 

4. Keep your mind occupied 
(Picture Source: Tumblr, A warm place within)
This is very important especially if you're at the beginning stages of fighting depression. Back then, when my mind was unoccupied my mind will tend to wander and negative thoughts would start to come in and disturb my train of thoughts, leading me to sink back into depression. You do not want to have any room in your mind for any fearful, negative or upsetting thoughts! What I did then was, I took up reading as a hobby and I started drawing my own comic books. Furthermore, I find that music (especially upbeat music) is also a pretty good remedy to occupying your mind because sometimes it helps to take you away from reality.
(Picture Source: Tumblr, putting my defences up)
5. Think positive
(Picture Source: Tumblr, Fashion Dictator)
I know it's hard to do, but trying to think positive can be a real challenge at first but once you get a hang of it everything will start falling back into place. Furthermore, you will feel like a much happier person on earth! #True story.

6. Socialize
(Picture Source: Tumblr, Kpop & Kdrama)
If you feel like you are sinking back into your gloomy thought, just like point number 4, instead of staying at home or seclude yourself within your own four walls, go grab a coffee or watch a movie with your friends or family. This helps as it will keep your mind active in other aspect rather than getting trap in your train of thoughts.

7. Allowed yourself to be less perfect, Don't be too Hard on yourself
(Picture Source: psych2go.net)
Nobody in this world is perfect, which includes people like you and me. Many depress people are perfectionist (the sad reality). When they felt as if what they did was not good enough they will sink back into depress mode. Don't beat yourself up. So if you did not score a Distinction on your exam, it's okay, don't torture yourself because what's done is done (no offences). As they all say "Failure is the first step to success".

8. Stop with the "What ifs?" scenarios

"What if I fell down and broke my ankle?"
"What if I got robbed?"
"What if the world is about to end tomorrow?"
"What if??"
(Picture Source: Tumblr, RoosERWT)
This used to happen to me so very often when I was depress. I used to give myself unnecessary anxiety and stress. I mean all of us can't predict the future, unless if you're like "That's so Raven". Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to not be aware of your surroundings, we still have to be careful but don't let the "What Ifs" get the best out of you and make you into a worrying vending machine.

9. Have a Journal/Gratitude Journal
(Picture Source: Blogpsot, Colouring Outside The Lines)
Having a journal is a good start if you're battling depression. A journal is like an outlet and is also like talking to a person but in hand written words. If you're feeling really unhappy about certain matters, you can list it down in your journal, it will help you ease your mind. One other method that I find it pretty effective is writing down things that you're grateful for. Instead of expressing your feelings, try writing things that you thank God for such as:

1. I'm thankful for being able to have 3 meals today
2. I'm thankful for having a hot shower

Sometimes, being thankful is just the right remedy to easing depression.

10. Don't EVER Give Up
(Picture Source: gifstumblr)
Sometimes depression might feel like a never ending battle. Sometimes you just feel like hiding in your closet and never again having to face the world. This is what depression wants you to do! Depression is like a criminal that is running free and wild while robbing people's joy and happiness away from them. This is NOT what our minds are design to do. At times, if you're just so tired of everything, it is okay to take a rest and give yourself some time out and then do something fun and worthwhile. But giving up is never an option with depression! 

*The list above are ways of how I handled depression, it might vary for certain people. If you're still struggling with depression it is also encourage to seek a doctor or a psychologies.*

You can't expect an unfit person to run a 40 kilometer marathon, they need to invest time and sufficient training in order to take up the challenge. Just like depression, you can't expect it to go away immediately, everything requires time and perseverance. 

(Picture Source: Elite Daily)
It took me a total of 5 years or so to finally escape from the grasp of depression. Even though from time to time it will relapse, but that doesn't stop me from trying my best to be the happiest I can be. When I was finally free from the curse, I was a much happier person and I realise that there is more to life than being upset and unhappy. The reason I wanted to share my story is because fighting depression is not impossible, you just need to take that courageous step out of the undesigned path and foiled it's plan before it destroys you.

Always Keep The Faith in Believing For a Better Tomorrow
(Picture Source: rebloggy, zelody)

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